Five Hacks to Get Better at Mathematics


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Most students treat Mathematics as one of the toughest subjects to study. I wasn't different. I used to think of mathematics as the toughest subject in academia. There are numerous reasons for this kind of attitude toward mathematics: One of the major reasons is that mathematics is so poorly taught in most of the schools and colleges that students never understand the stuffs under the hood. They are almost forced to practice what schools and colleges teach them. Most of the students do so only for passing their math tests. Hence, the actual beauty of mathematics remains hidden.

In this article, I will share five effective tips and tricks that helped me to get better at mathematics. There's a disclaimer that I am not a math expert but I was among the students who just do the calculation as the teacher shows and don't understand what's going on under the hood. But, by following these five hacks I think that I got better at math than the previous. If you are a student who always struggles to get the math teacher's talk and face difficulties to solve even a very simple problem, you're in the right place.

1. Be Patient

The first and foremost thing which you will need to get better at math is that you must be patient. Patience is the key to success whether it's mathematics or any other field of study. You won't get super powerful at math overnight. It costs a lot of time and patience to be a better problem solver. Point to be noted that getting better at math means a better problem solver. When you stuck on a problem whether it's very simple or complex, you need to stay with this problem with enough patience until the problem gets solved. There is a thing which is worth mentioning that not necessarily all problems have a solution but before giving up make sure that you tried to reach the solution from every dimension.

2. Take times

Sometimes you may be get burned out by a tedious problem. But do not lose hope. Take your time. Have a break and do whatever you like to do, and then, come back to the problem again and crack it. You should challenge yourself that you won't let the problem challenge you. And of course, make sure you awarded yourself once you hit the solution to that tedious problem. It will motivate you.

3. Be consistent

Being consistent is a super powerful tool that ever exists in the world. You can almost hit anything you want being consistent. The same applies when it comes to mathematics. You might not have enough time or mindset to practice mathematics for a long time, but if you invest a little amount of your time practicing math every single day, you will slowly but surely get better at mathematics. This consistency helped me a lot that I can't express by a single word or a sentence. So, I will highly recommend to be super consistent in mathematics.

4. Ask for help

When it comes to asking for help, most students feel shy. They overthink about asking for help. Sometimes, students don't generally expect a teacher or a senior for math help. It's a great mistake students ever do. I did so, that is why I suffered a lot. I know the cost of the mistake. When you are stuck at a problem and can't solve it by yourself, you should immediately ask for help, but if you fail to do so, you will not be able to gain the skill of getting help. It's a skill for me. For the sake of technology, there are many smart solutions available on the internet for those who don't want to go for physical help. I covered one of the amazing smart solutions for math geeks in one of my articles. You can check it here.

5. Apply what you learn in the real world

There is a misconception among students that what we learn in mathematics most of the things don't have a real-world application. It's not 100% true. It's right that some of the topics in mathematics have no use in the real world yet. But the more we advance, the more mathematics we need. So, it is quite hard to predict that some topics or theorem of mathematics will never be used in the real world. Nowadays internet is everywhere, you can simply know the real-world uses of the topic you are learning from the internet. If you can relate the solution you have learned with a real-world problem that mathematics will be very fun and interesting for you, and you will get much motivated for further study.

I have walked you through my simple but very practical hacks that will take you to the next level in mathematics as the hacks worked in my case. I do believe that anyone who can follow the hacks I have shared in this article, will definitely discover his changes after applying the tips and tricks for a couple of months. Mathematics is really the most beautiful thing that ever exists in the universe. You just need to explore it and that's all.


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