Guidelines are More Important Than Financial Support

hen it comes to Study, we think of financial support much more than proper guidelines. Here is a disclaimer that I am not opposing financial support in study, in fact, financial support plays a vital role in study. But a set of proper guidelines is the key to success indeed.

Many parents think that they are supporting enough financially their children in study. According to this they expect a well established life of their children. But there is an important pitfall which is if the parents only spend pennies but do not guide their children properly, there is a high possibility that the son/daughter might be misguided.

Some parents believe in freedom of choosing career and that's why they do not force their children at all to make an aim in life. That's fine, obviously. But once your child select a goal in his/her life, you should know the goal and guide him to achieve it. That will be the best solution. Because, sometimes children don't really know how to journey through life so that something will be achievable. They easily get misguided by some of the surrounding friends and guys. They might get confused. Often children do illegal or forbidden activities being misguided by some bad people.

As sensitive and responsible guardians, parents should always take care of all ins and outs of their children. Although it's super important to help children financially, guiding them properly is often seems more than that. So it's worth to be concerned about the matter.


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