Bangladesh Turns 50 Today

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On the same day of 26th March in 1971, Bangladeshi people started their liberation war against Pakistan to get their own country and freedom back. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, one of the mentionable leaders, called for independence and encouraged people for taking part in the liberation war against Pakistan. People responded actively to his call-for-war. After fighting for 9 months constantly, Bangladeshis were able to get back their country and freedom on 16th December 1971.

The People's Republic of Bangladesh marks its 50 years of independence today since 1971. It now turns 50 as of 26th March 2021. We, the people of Bangladesh, are very excited that we're going to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of our independence.

Throughout these 50 years, Bangladesh has experienced some important phenomena: for instance, amazing economic growth, exponential GDP growth, global influence, industrialization, nominated for graduating to a developing country, etc. Also, the country has been improving its infrastructure.

After getting independence right in 1971, the country was almost a desert. People were starving for lacking of enough food. It had neither any mentionable economic strength nor any good infrastructure. From that measurable situation, Bangladesh's current improvement is unprecedented. Now, Bangladesh is a potential economic hub in South Asia.

Although Bangladesh has developed a lot compared to 1971 or later, it still has so many pieces of stuff to be developed. Prime minister Sheikh Hasina, after taking the office in 2009, has been trying to develop this country from every single dimension. We are delighted with the progress.

On this 50th birthday of Bangladesh, we hope the country will keep its tremendous progress up and will be a developed country by 2041 as the honorable prime minister declared.


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