Online Education in Bangladesh - Pros and Cons



Online education refers to an internet based education system that can be accessed from anywhere in the world with an internet enabled device and stable internet connection. Before the Coronavirus pandemic, most of the Bangladeshi students were unfamiliar with online education. But during the pandemic as the whole world turned into online education, most of the educational institutions in Bangladesh also turned into online. Although there is poor internet connection in the rural areas, students were almost forced to do online classes because of the lockdown and School, College and University closure. Most of them faced difficulties for poor internet connection. Some of the students also suffered from buying enough MegaBytes to have an internet connection. Since, online education is a partially new idea in our country, I think there are some potential pros and cons regarding the online education.


One of the biggest pros regarding online education is the continuity of education. We do not want to stuck at our running way of education and we did not stuck despite of having a strong pandemic world wide. It is hard to practice lessons and homework out of the class. Another benefit might be an experience of the technology that might not have been practiced. Teachers recorded their classes during live class and students were able to watch the classes anytime from anywhere as their wishes. That's a great benefit of online class. Some teachers film their lessons and upload to certain platform like YouTube and students can access the filmed classes when they are free enough to do the classes. That's amazing compared to a physical class. It is worth mentioning that an online education not only help students to have interactive classes but also teach how modern technology works and can be used for such a great purpose.


In spite of having some amazing benefits, online classes also have some cons and potential pitfalls. When it comes to taking class tests and exams, here's the problem arises. Teachers can't be sure that students will write their own on the paper because the teacher cannot guard the students as like a physical exam hall. So, there is possibility that students might copy some answers from elsewhere if they get stuck. Hence, the exam result won't be such reliable. Another pitfall is, in Bangladesh since there is poor internet connection in rural areas, lacking of understanding classes due to clear data connection. That means, sometimes students from rural areas might struggle to have smooth class for due to weak connection that will result in bad experience in classes. As a result all the discussed topics they may not clearly understand.

Although there are some pros and cons of online education, we have to be familiar with it. We have no option without it right now. We can make the online education experience better if we use it in the right way. Guardians need to pay attention to their children if they are doing their online classes regularly and correctly. Together we will win.


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