
Showing posts from February, 2021

Solving Math Problem is a Matter of Snapshot

Image credit: W e often face difficulties in solving maths problems. Sometimes students stuck at a math problem for hours or even days and eventually give up. What if there is something out there which will get the job done for us! Yeah, Photomath, an AI supported math solving app, comes up with smart solutions that let students to just snapshot their math problems by their mobile camera and get the solutions. That sounds cool, right? Photomath is an American start up. Recently, it raises 23M Dollars to invest in user experience. The app has over 220M downloads and 4.7 ratings out of 5 on Google Play Store. It has some cool features: its solutions range from simple algebraic problems to complex calculus problems. Students who struggle with simple algebraic or arithmetic problems can be get benefited from the app mostly because Photomath has some issues with higher level maths that's explained later in this article. It also can graph an equation which are key to at

Guidelines are More Important Than Financial Support

W hen it comes to Study, we think of financial support much more than proper guidelines. Here is a disclaimer that I am not opposing financial support in study, in fact, financial support plays a vital role in study. But a set of proper guidelines is the key to success indeed. Many parents think that they are supporting enough financially their children in study. According to this they expect a well established life of their children. But there is an important pitfall which is if the parents only spend pennies but do not guide their children properly, there is a high possibility that the son/daughter might be misguided. Some parents believe in freedom of choosing career and that's why they do not force their children at all to make an aim in life. That's fine, obviously. But once your child select a goal in his/her life, you should know the goal and guide him to achieve it. That will be the best solution. Because, sometimes children don't really know how to journey through

Online Education in Bangladesh - Pros and Cons

      O nline education refers to an internet based education system that can be accessed from anywhere in the world with an internet enabled device and stable internet connection. Before the Coronavirus pandemic, most of the Bangladeshi students were unfamiliar with online education. But during the pandemic as the whole world turned into online education, most of the educational institutions in Bangladesh also turned into online. Although there is poor internet connection in the rural areas, students were almost forced to do online classes because of the lockdown and School, College and University closure. Most of them faced difficulties for poor internet connection. Some of the students also suffered from buying enough MegaBytes to have an internet connection. Since, online education is a partially new idea in our country, I think there are some potential pros and cons regarding the online education. Pros: One of the biggest pros regarding online education is the continuity of educat